black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Copyediting Services

Expert copyediting services to enhance your written content and make it shine.

School Texts

Mathematics - Science - Computing

Maths - Science - Environmental

Editing texts translated from languages other than English

Academic Texts

Francis Norman

I am experienced in development editing (school texts), copyediting, re-versioning, answer checking and proofreading.

man writing on paper
man writing on paper
laptop computer on glass-top table
laptop computer on glass-top table
a tree filled with lots of purple and green flowers
a tree filled with lots of purple and green flowers

About Me

I hold a Masters Degree in Education and a Degree in Mathematical Sciences.

My experiences are as teacher in school, headteacher, private tutor.

I have been editing and copyediting since 2013.

Copyediting Services

Why not give me a try. I am keen to become your go-to source for professional copyediting services based on years of experience.

Editing of School Texts

I have edited many texts for Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 in Mathematics, Sciences and Computer Science.

  • Textbooks

  • Learner workbooks

  • Worksheets

  • Teacher guidance texts

  • Material for online platforms

  • Img alt text inc using html for graphs/charts and the like

a tree branch with green leaves against a blue sky
a tree branch with green leaves against a blue sky

Editing of Academic Texts

I have recently edited texts relating to:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  • Environmental Science

  • Mathematics

  • The Oil Industry

Other Work of Interest

a tree with purple flowers in the foreground and a blue sky in the background
a tree with purple flowers in the foreground and a blue sky in the background
a person holding a calculator in their hand
a person holding a calculator in their hand

I often work on projects related to:

  • Editing texts that have been translated to English from other languages

  • Editing academic texts written by authors whose first language is not English

  • Editing academic texts that are about other languages

Satisfied Client

If you have a project that you are finding difficult to place then I would probably enjoy working on it

gray computer monitor

Contact Me

Welcome to Francis Norman's copyediting services. Contact me today!